The Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion is a specialty treatment specialty of Shouguang Jisheng Hospital. It specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of neck and shoulder pain, low back pain and hemiplegia, and has a medical team with high technical skills and rich clinical experience and capable of applying both Western and Chinese methods to treat various diseases. . Adhere to the principle of Chinese medicine is not Western medicine, can keep the principle of non-surgical, sincere service to the majority of patients.
In the undergraduate room, the “New Medicine Orthopedic” therapy is exclusively used. The therapy was founded by Prof. Feng Tianyou, a famous orthopaedic expert of the Beijing Air Force General Hospital, and won the first prize for scientific and technological progress of the National Science and Technology Congress. He was named “New Medicine and Bone” by Premier Zhou Enlai personally. While carrying out new medical orthopaedic therapy, combined with minimally invasive ozone, acupuncture, massage, traditional Chinese medicine hot compress, acupoint injection and other therapies, comprehensive comprehensive treatment for cervical spondylosis, frozen shoulder, lumbar disc herniation, arthritis, bone hyperplasia, rigidity Spondylitis, sciatica, stroke hemiplegia, etc. have significant therapeutic effects. The patient's pain is small, recovery is quick, and the curative effect is good. The expert of acupuncture and moxibustion is praised by the majority of patients for its superb medical skills.
Jisheng Hospital Acupuncture and Health Hotline: 15054462832